Sunday 20 May 2012

Itu Kerana Allah Nak Bagi Yang Lebih Baik!

                      Itu Kerana Allah Nak Bagi Yang Lebih Baik!

If you have Allah, then you have everything!

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِاارَّحِيم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.

السلام عليكم

Apabila dirimu menginginkan sesuatu dan gagal mendapatkannya walau begitu banyak usaha telah dicurahkan, ingatlah bahawa kamu mungkin selayaknya mendapat yg lebih baik. 

Oleh kerana itu, Allah tangguhkan dulu kerana Allah ingin memberikan kepadamu yg jauh lebih baik :')

Amatlah menyejukkan hati apabila teringat akan kata-kata ini. Segala penat lelah tidak lagi terasa, dan segala rasa putus asa menghilang, tiada ada ada.

Bersangka baik kepada Allah. Hanya menafsirkan yang positif tentang perancanganNya. Kerana apa? Kerana Allah mengikut sangkaan hambaNya.

Ingin diceritakan pula pengalaman sendiri. Bukanlah boleh dijadikan hujah namun sekadar berkongsi sebagai tanda kasih. Sharing is caring :)

It happened to me last week, an unforgettable event ever that makes my heart grew even more fonder towards Allah.

The story began when I decided to attend a seminar titled 'Kecelaruan Identiti Belia: Di mana Penyelesaiannya' organized by PEMBINA PAHANG.

The poster

Well, I did wrote my name in the paper provided for registration that had been distributed during lecture but it seemed to be that my name was kind of overlooked, thus not in the list.

Because of that, I did not received any message regarding the change of venue of the seminar.

As what I've been informed previously, the seminar will take place at Administration Building sharp at 8am.

So, that morning, I walked alone from my mahallah (hostel) to Administration Building and it was quite a distance! - around 500m.

I was alone because most of my bestfriends and batch friends attended K-Fiqh held at PWTC Kuala Lumpur on the same day - in which I also want to attend the convention but the ticket was sold out - I was only few minutes late! It was quite a frustrating situation but I think there must be reasons behind it, like always :)

So in the early morning *well, it's not that early since matahari dah lama nak memunculkan diri* I walked to the Administration Building and once I arrived  at the hall, I was suprised to see a note at the door stating that the venue was changed to Kuliyyah of Science, in which it was even more further! - Kena patah balik mahallah dan jalan lagi jauh!

There I was, standing in front of the door; frustrated and felt like almost crying. How come I was not because I was all alone, plus the fact that I already walked 500m and now I had to go back passing my mahallah and walk even more further to reach Kuliyyah of Science; it might take forever! *kind of exaggerating but I felt almost giving up*

And I thought, I can just cancel attending this seminar and enjoy myself being alone in my room or going out to mall with my younger sister. But again, I told myself I should be spending my precious time on learning something new  instead of wasting it on something that wouldn't benefit me much.

So I was having monologue while walking to the updated venue, saying to myself "It's okay. Adalah tu sebabnya. Maybe Allah nak bagi benda yg lebih baik. Takpun, Allah nak bagi pahala lebih sebab kena jalan lagi jauh ke destinasi sbb nak cari ilmu. Sabar dan redha. There must be reasons behind it in which I don't know yet,"

I was repeating the same sentences like a mantra to soothe my own shattered heart while walking and guess what? When I was right in front of Kuliyyah of Medicine (700m ~ 800m to go), a black car stopped by and the driver was a lady. Slowly she lowered down the passenger car glass window and she asked me "Macam mana nak ke Kulliyah of Science? Tau tak direction dia?,"

Only Allah knows how I felt suprised and relieved at the same time. So I offered her to show the direction and then I went to KOS together with her. We had a little chit chat in the car and she revealed that she is a teacher and 40 of her students joined the seminar.

Once we arrived there, we registered at the registration table and the committee ushered both of us to the hall.  The hall was already packed with people and the only seats left are the ones at the last row.

For a visual learner like me, I need to sit in front and focus on the speaker in order to absorb almost all that I can get.

But then, the committee who ushered both of us said to me "Jom la kak duduk depan teman cikgu. Tempat depan tu ada lagi kosong, seat untuk VIP," she said with a smile.

And again, a surprised face was displayed by me. I said to her "Tak pe ke? Tempat VIP tu. Akak bukan VIP..," even though I said so, but I really wanting it *lol

She said it's okay because all the VIP already arrived and only a seat left. So there I was, seating next to the teacher at the front seat. It was the one in the center, and I consider it the best seat for an eager audience like me *lol

So, the conclusion is; when Allah makes it hard for you, probably Allah has something better to give you.

You might not know now, but you will know later, inshaAllah.

Oleh sebab itu, kenalah sentiasa bersangka baik kepada Allah. Bila didatangi kesusahan sewaktu ingin melakukan kebaikan, jangan putus asa.

Memetik kata seorang ustaz sewaktu belajar dulu;

"Menang atau tidak, itu tidaklah seberapa penting jika dibandingkan dengan berapa banyak usaha yang kita alirkan dan itulah sebenarnya jihad kita,"

Kenalah berusaha dengan bersungguh, kemudiannya berdoa dan bertawakal. Serahkan pada Allah dan yakinilah bahawa Allah akan memberi yg terbaik kepadamu.

Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. Ar Rahman & Ar Rahim.

Akhir kata, senantiasalah bersangka baik dengan Allah.

Berusahalah mencari redha Allah dan semoga Allah redha :)

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